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Can we warp yet?

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Can we warp yet? Empty Can we warp yet?

Post by sunwupen Sat Jan 28, 2017 11:08 pm

Is there a way to warp yet?  If there is, I haven't figured it out yet.  I'm guessing there isn't a way to do it yet but I thought I should ask.


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Can we warp yet? Empty Re: Can we warp yet?

Post by tsunamayo Sun Jan 29, 2017 2:39 pm

So in fact for warping you will have to use the misnamed hyperdrive block (will be renamed to Warpdrive), and activate it. You will need to assign a jump target.


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Can we warp yet? Empty Re: Can we warp yet?

Post by sunwupen Sun Jan 29, 2017 2:46 pm

What button activates it? Do I link it to a number key?


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Can we warp yet? Empty Re: Can we warp yet?

Post by tsunamayo Sun Jan 29, 2017 6:49 pm

So you can just click on the block, on link a simple button to it (me I linked a slider because it looks cool). Tell me if it works fine.


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Can we warp yet? Empty Re: Can we warp yet?

Post by sunwupen Sun Jan 29, 2017 11:02 pm

I got it to work! I linked it to a button and selected a system and everything went... mostly smooth. The trouble I had was actually selecting a target. I can sometimes get it to work but most of the time I just get a "boop" noise with no flag selection indicator. Also, the warp drive was a bit, uh, bumpy. When I was in the wormhole my view became very bouncy, like there was turbulence. If this is intentional then I would suggest toning it down a little as my character view was clipping through my ship. When I arrived at the new system I had a few more problems that I'll address in the bugs section.


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Can we warp yet? Empty Re: Can we warp yet?

Post by tsunamayo Mon Jan 30, 2017 12:08 pm

ok I will check that it is not supposed to do that.

EDIT : ok I had indeed an issue when jumping into the warp, but after it no pb like you mentionned. Could you make sure that you did a correct installation ? (delete completely the old one, or install it into a different folder).

I book an issue here for the jitter :


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Join date : 2016-12-16

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Can we warp yet? Empty Re: Can we warp yet?

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