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Hey, Star Here!

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Hey, Star Here! Empty Hey, Star Here!

Post by starboss12 Sat Apr 15, 2017 10:16 am

Hey! Star Here!
So this is my 3rd time typing this up, thanks to my Stupid mouse…
So let's see…
I like Star Trek, I love the idea of sending ships out into the unknown to explore. I also enjoy Battlestar Galactica, The story lines everywhere, but I love the way it's feasible. I Love Star Wars, But Manly IV, V, and VI. The rest are well, so so. I still have my “mostly pristine ” Legos from when I was younger.
When it comes it video games, I love sandbox games, My top 5 would be Space Engineers,Rimworld, Medieval Engineers, HOI IV, and Minecraft.
My friend (Mac131) showed this game to me I wanted to check it out after watching a few Dev blogs, I was both surprised and excited for this game. With such a small Dev team they've done so much. Not only that but it looks awesome.
So ya that's me, I am sorry you had to read this horribly structured introduction.

"This game sounds awesome" -My first reaction


Posts : 1
Join date : 2017-04-15

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