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Removed Wedge Border Tile and Windows

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Removed Wedge Border Tile and Windows Empty Removed Wedge Border Tile and Windows

Post by Avah Tue Jan 24, 2017 1:31 am

After the change from the long slanted cockpit windows into canopy windows it seems the little rectangle tile that you could wedge between windows was removed. It was very useful both aesthetically, I used them in some cases to streamline design and conceal hinges, and also to attach slanted windows onto each other. Any chance it could make a comeback?

I think the canopy cockpit window is a good idea, but it would be absolutely lovely to have both the long, slanted window, as well as the triangle wedges (those that are attached to the canopy on the sides) individually in addition. Is that possible? Adding the individual flat triangle and flat slanted windows gives you a chance to create a wide range of pretty cool designs.

Maybe you could group the "flat" cockpit windows together in the codex in the "type" box, if keeping the codex list short is desirable.

I wish I had taken better screenshots so I could illustrate what I mean better than I can explain it, but I hope this is helpful anyway. Here at the very front of the ship I used two slanted windows with one of the wedges between them and attached them to a hinge, which is concealed behind a second wedge tile. This made my first little ship's "lift up" door.

(Edit: I didn't realise I wasn't allowed to link on the forum the first 7 days, so the image doesn't appear, but I can link on discord if I didn't explain what I meant well.)


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Join date : 2017-01-24

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Removed Wedge Border Tile and Windows Empty Re: Removed Wedge Border Tile and Windows

Post by tsunamayo Tue Jan 24, 2017 11:31 am

Yes I agree I feel I also need these single tri or wedge canopy, I will add them soon. I did this system in fact mainly thinking about long wedge canopy, as I dont want to multiply the number of brick for them, but for the basic on I guess it is ok. I want to add some hepta also, but the border system is a bit messed up.


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Join date : 2016-12-16

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