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Some feedback from my first few hours.

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Some feedback from my first few hours. Empty Some feedback from my first few hours.

Post by Jinree Mon Jan 23, 2017 7:09 am

Here are some things I have made a note of from my first few hours of with the game.

The Map is a little hard to work with. I end up breaking a lot of blocks when trying to select items from it.

I saw this one noted in another post but still putting it in here. Is travel going to get faster? As in will I be able to accelerate faster to make it seem like I am moving/not spend so much time trying to get to a new system? Not really sure if I am doing it right. Select a target on the map and point to it and just keep accelerating?

Is Space dust going to be added to give you the feel that you are moving when you have no points of reference?

Flying controls are cumbersome and hard to be accurate. Possible mouse control in the future and a button to enable head movement?

3rd person ship view? I know elite does not do this but is nice to see your ship from a 3rd person view to take in the glory of it while you fly it around. Maybe a block that deploys a drone to follow it at slow speed? Then maybe drone control to help you fly around in smaller spots? Maybe display the camera feed on a screen from the drone?


Posts : 1
Join date : 2017-01-23

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Some feedback from my first few hours. Empty Re: Some feedback from my first few hours.

Post by Remitorm Darkwind Mon Jan 23, 2017 9:38 pm

I like the idea of a flying remote control camera drone and being able to see what the camera sees on the linked monitor would be a nice feature
Remitorm Darkwind
Remitorm Darkwind

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Join date : 2016-12-17
Location : Cambridge, United Kingdom

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Some feedback from my first few hours. Empty Re: Some feedback from my first few hours.

Post by tsunamayo Tue Jan 24, 2017 1:15 pm

Thanks a lot for your feedback !
So yes holomap usability sucks I will redo it in a more intuitive way. (menu, more visual clue, simplier control)
To travel fast inside a system, you need to use Hyper Drive mode. Accelerate to 100m/s, then press ALT, and then control acc/decc with mouse wheel (I will change these control no worries)
If you want to go to another system you need warp. Just activate the warp drive block after having selected the system in holomap.
I will re-add the particule effect yes.
Yes I will work on the control on the next testing phase (now I really want to focus on the building aspect and get a trailer going)
I might add a 3rd person view for spaceship indeed.


Posts : 173
Join date : 2016-12-16

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Some feedback from my first few hours. Empty Re: Some feedback from my first few hours.

Post by Remitorm Darkwind Tue Jan 24, 2017 7:27 pm

Ohhh trailer sounds fun how can i help???
Remitorm Darkwind
Remitorm Darkwind

Posts : 86
Join date : 2016-12-17
Location : Cambridge, United Kingdom

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Some feedback from my first few hours. Empty Re: Some feedback from my first few hours.

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