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Hey Im Remi

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Hey Im Remi Empty Hey Im Remi

Post by Remitorm Darkwind Sat Dec 17, 2016 8:22 pm

hala My names Remitom Darkwind I'm a big fan of space sims such as Starmade space engineers and I'm a avid player of other buildings games like Robocraft, Minecraft etc. and FP's like Tribes Ascended

my main Sci fi references would have to be Serenity and Star wars but mostly I tend to browse concept arts and ships from tons of different universes for my inspiration when I build

ok the games I love are practically anything were your free to build what ever you can imagine be that in a universe made out of blocks or a game like Hawken where you have to earn to build your Mecha bigger and better.

My okay my play style is relatively simple I build what I need to survive until I have enough resources to build what ever I can usually I tend to stay small so fighters pleasure crafts civilian vessels etc but I have nothing against building big and it can be just as enjoyable as building a beautiful little cruiser I mean who doesn't like a giant battleship

Ok so what I plan to do in SkyWanders is to one explore and then once I have a sich on the build mechanics build and build and build as I personally feel this game has a really unique feel to it that will inspire its players to innovate and build new technology's that most others games just don't have the ability to make the players this way

So like I said my Names Remi and I cant wait to play tongue
Remitorm Darkwind
Remitorm Darkwind

Posts : 86
Join date : 2016-12-17
Location : Cambridge, United Kingdom

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Hey Im Remi Empty Re: Hey Im Remi

Post by tsunamayo Sun Dec 18, 2016 11:40 am

Welcome onboard Remi ! Cool


Posts : 173
Join date : 2016-12-16

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Hey Im Remi Empty Re: Hey Im Remi

Post by Remitorm Darkwind Wed Feb 08, 2017 6:32 am

Sorry about being inactive for the past few weeks things have been kicking up in Starmade ill hopefully get back to testing by the weekend at the latest

sorry about the delay

Remitorm Darkwind
Remitorm Darkwind

Posts : 86
Join date : 2016-12-17
Location : Cambridge, United Kingdom

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