johnreverse here!
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johnreverse here!
Hi! I started my building adventure with Minecraft and then moved onto games like Space Engineers when it entered early access. I usually spend time tinkering with mechanisms trying to build something interesting and sometimes slightly explosive although I try not to forget about the esthetics. My adventure with space sims started with flight sims like FSX and then I moved onto Orbiter, KSP, Elite Dangerous, Star Citizen and Rogue System. Since I saw a demo of Infinity: Quest for Earth(now it's called Infinity: Battlescape) where they showed planetary landing I kept lurking on /r/spacesimgames and Indiedb looking for new space sim games(broadly speaking) and playing their prototypes(if they have one). That's how I found Skywanderers. I immediately fell in love with the art style and gameplay and when I've heard that author is looking for builders to test it I immediately messaged him. I hope my feedback will be of some use
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Re: johnreverse here!
Hey John thanks for checking the game out ! Right now we are focusing more on the creative side but soon enough I will resume work on the spacesim side of the game ! Welcome onboard
Re: johnreverse here!
yay more testers
Remitorm Darkwind- Posts : 86
Join date : 2016-12-17
Location : Cambridge, United Kingdom
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