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The Space Fox is here!

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The Space Fox is here! Empty The Space Fox is here!

Post by sunwupen Thu Jan 19, 2017 7:42 am

Hello, fellow space explorers!

I just learned about this game a few days ago while browsing the Starmade subreddit and I'm very impressed with what is already shown.  Tsunamayo invited me himself from the skywanderers subreddit and so... here I am!  Many a space sim has graced my PC.  Some good, some bad, but I believe each one has its on merits.  When I get my hands on this game I promise to be an asset to this community and report whatever problems I find, and even give my opinion on what features should be added or changed.

Unfortunately, I don't really know how to code anything but I do know how to break a game when something can be broken.  27 years of experience in that department, lol!  As for actual education, I do have a degree in graphic design, so if something is wrong with how it looks, I'll be the first to tell you.  So far, the aesthetics for this game are pretty good.  I like the pixel layout and it looks like whoever designed the blocks (was it tsuna? I really don't know) has a real understanding of pixel art, with all the necessary dithering, coloring, and shading.  Also, the space man in the previews is a nice touch, I am also a big fan of the old space Legos!
The Space Fox is here! Tumblr_n1p68eOfYx1rqokqso1_500


Posts : 18
Join date : 2017-01-19

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The Space Fox is here! Empty Re: The Space Fox is here!

Post by tsunamayo Thu Jan 19, 2017 11:03 am

Hey Sunwupen ! Welcome onboard ! Nice to see some people looking forward to find bugs hehe Razz
I am also super happy to have Lego fan onboard, I might try to do some interpretation on some old lego sets soon, I just need to do some progress on canopy, to do crazy shaped canopy, and colored of course !
Thanks for the texture, I can tell you I am not an artist and it is a lot less natural for me as I am more of a tech guy, so it always good to hear that Surprised Dont hesitate to give some hint on which texture to improve !


Posts : 173
Join date : 2016-12-16

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The Space Fox is here! Empty Re: The Space Fox is here!

Post by Remitorm Darkwind Thu Jan 19, 2017 5:53 pm

Welcome to the team sunwupen im sure we will end up getting into an argument over who can break the game better XD

Looking forward to working with you to help Tsunamayo with the game
Remitorm Darkwind
Remitorm Darkwind

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Join date : 2016-12-17
Location : Cambridge, United Kingdom

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